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Terms and conditions


These terms outline your agreement of sale and use of Window Cleaners Direct under the following conditions:


"We" or "our" refers to Window Cleaners Direct. "You", "your" or "the client" refers to the customer receiving the service(s) detailed.

  • Shared Information

Client information shared with window cleaners direct is only used in conjunction with providing services on offer by window cleaners direct or its direct affiliates.

  • Quotations

All estimates are subject to site survey & confirmation by written quotation.

Quotations are valid for 28 days.

A quotation accepted either verbally or by signature will be subject to the Terms and Conditions herein.

  • Servicing

On the day of the wash, or other service

All windows must be closed on wash day before cleaning. Any open windows which cannot be closed will not be washed.

You must ensure that all items to be cleaned are structurally sound prior to cleaning.

We reserve the right to make a surcharge in the case of exceptionally dirty windows.

Full access is required on the day of the clean. We are unable to move any obstacles which may inhibit cleaning. Should partial access on the scheduled day reduce the extent of the clean, we reserve the right to charge for 100% of the scheduled clean.

Inside windows: It is your responsibility to ensure that windows are accessible and sills and other surfaces are cleared beforehand.

We will not clean any windows we consider to be inaccessible or unsafe on the day of the clean.

We do not accept liability for any damage howsoever caused during the provision of our services.

Windows cleaned with pure water for the first time may require two or three washes before the full benefit is seen, due to the chemical residue left by traditional cleaning methods, or leaching of ingrained dirt from frames and other areas.


Every effort will be made to clean on the appointed day, although we reserve the right to alter the day without notice.

  • Postponements

Postponement of any service will require 24 hours notice from the client before any scheduled date. Notice under 24 hours or on the scheduled day will be charged at 50% of the value of the work due.

As our cleaning processes apply throughout the year, weather conditions will not be accepted as reason from the client to postpone our scheduled service.

In the rare instance of weather conditions where we deem it unsafe or our cleaning processes may be inoperable, we will endeavour to provide you with as much notice as possible and re schedule the wash day. External glass surfaces will usually be washed with pure water from water fed poles.

All surfaces washed with pure water will be left to dry naturally.

  • Window Definitions

A window or door is defined as any part which consists of frame, sill, sash and glass, made of wood, aluminium, steel or UVPC.

Paint, varnish, lime scale, mastic, cement mortar, glue, labels, or other building products cannot be removed by pure water alone. This can be arranged, subject to survey and access, at a separate cost.

Sills made of brick, tile, stone or any material other than wood, aluminium, steel or UVPC may damage our brush heads and will not be washed.

Internal glass surfaces will be cleaned using traditional methods.

External window cleaning consists of vertical windows and velux windows only unless specified otherwise.

Internal window or conservatory roof cleaning includes the glass only are priced separately.

Fascia soft wash cleaning includes the gutter face and as far behind the gutter as can be reached with our brushes.

Although soft washing will remove most stains, some marks may not be removed by this process.

  • Payments & Termination

Payments by Commercial clients can be made on the day by cash, cheque, or within 7 days via credit card or Direct Debit.

Payments by Residential clients are required on the day by cash, cheque, credit card or Direct Debit.

Window cleaning or other services may not be provided on outstanding accounts.

In the event of a dispute over payment, it is the client's responsibility to prove that payment in full has been made and cleared.

We reserve the right to make late payment charges and to recover any costs incurred in debt recovery.

We reserve the right to amend or terminate any introductory, promotional or referral scheme at any time without notice.

Terminated accounts will not re qualify for any introductory offer if the account is re opened.

We reserve the right to terminate your cleaning account without notice.

Commercial contracts require 28 days written notice from the client prior to termination, except in the case of a fixed contract period where the total contract value must be settled in full.

Less than the required period of notice to terminate any contract will incur the full charge of any scheduled work.

All costs are GST exempt.


Client details are kept for reference only and not shared with with any other organisation, and are used in conjuction with the services on offer.

  • Complaints

We do not offer refunds, however your satisfaction is guaranteed as we will re clean any window which we recognise as unsatisfactory, so long as the complaint is received within 24 hours from the time of the wash.

Any complaints received after 24 hours will not be considered.

All disputes are covered by Australian law and under the jurisdiction of Australian courts only.

Current Terms & Conditions

We reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions at any time without notice.

A copy of our current Terms and Conditions is available on request.

Errors & omissions excepted.

Copyright © 2020 WINDOW CLEANERS DIRECT | 

ABN: 8619 772 4932

Queensland & Victoria, Australia

Townsville  | Cairns | Tullamarine

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